Thursday, January 24, 2008

Day Two ...

A few awards from the trade show floor:

In the Marketing Will Eat Itself category: we actually overhead a PR type touting an "apres ice climbing" category. As if kicking back with buddies and a flask after ice climbing really requires specialized gear.

In the Who Really Needs This category: Weatherproof Chocolate.

In the Attention-Getting Booth Giveaway category: thermal base layer/performance-enhancing apparel company Skins was giving away free condoms. Have fun explaining that one to the spouse when it falls out of your show bag.

On a more serious note, Gramicci is taking some real strides at applying the KISS factor to purchasing, inventory control and merchandising for its dealers. The concept is not new to retail but rather novel to outdoor. Basically, ordering and replenishment is done based on fixture space and square footage rather than the traditional way of sorting through their lines, picking individual items and quantities. Retailers pick from three pre-configured merchandising programs, utilizing their existing fixtures, order pre-merchandised apparel selections depending on their market and customer demographics and receive pre-merchandized replenishment product at an established interval.

The basic idea is to simplify matters for dealers and help them utilize Gramicci's market intelligence and resources. We'll provide much more detail on the program in the next print issue of Inside Outdoor magazine.

Finally, the now-vacant building across the street from the Salt Palace Convention Center that once housed Club DV8 caught fire and essentially burnt down last night a few hours after the close of the OR show (no injuries were reported). Veteran OR attendees fondly remember Club DV8 for the many industry-hosted parties housed there. The drunken memories live on.

More later ...

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