Thursday, May 29, 2008
After all, in 2006, for example, the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries generated 8.5 million jobs and $970 billion in revenue in the U.S., says NWF, while the scale of the global marketplace for energy technologies is as large as the computer and IT industry.
We’re not so sure about NWF’s logic in connecting technology’s economic impact to a need for cap-and-trade legislation, but we like the bi-partisan appeal of the initial argument.
“America must lead the clean energy revolution,” says NWF. “We must reinvigorate our efforts to make sure the world’s solutions to global warming carry the ‘Made in America’ label.”
I think I just saw Bill O’Reilly’s eyebrow raising.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Finally, YouTube Shows Some Real Value
If you want to get a glimpse of the true potential of community Web 2.0 sites (beyond being yet another way for clever marketing execs to spread their same old marketing messages) check out what River Cuomo has going on over at YouTube.
The lead geek of alt-pop poopahs Weezer, Cuomo has tapped into the YouTube community to collectively write and produce a new song. Cuomo is letting the YouTubers do most of the work in composing and creating the music, lyrics and video, while offering up his guidance and direction along the way.
For creative types and makers of user-generated content, Cuomo’s step-by-step postings and commentary are insightful and entertaining lessons on the song-writing process, served up by a master song writer. For the rest of us, the project (there are about 10 video postings so far by Cuomo and countless replies from the minions) is a case study in public Internet collaboration and a glimpse of a coming marketplace where consumers are actively involved in the design and development of new products and services.
It helps that the song Cuomo and his community are putting together (an anthem to individualism and 1980s pop radio) is actually quite good. The latest version of the song/video can be seen about half way through the video posted here.
My guess is we’ll all be hearing lots more about this project in the mainstream media this summer.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
What's a Blog Worth?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Friday, May 9, 2008
Landfill in the Sky

Monday, May 5, 2008
Social Networking for Your Feet

The new Verb For Shoe features an embedded computer which, among other capabilities, enables “contact sharing.” Yes, the shoes wirelessly communicate with each other, exchanging contact information among different wearers, says VectraSense. A wireless link then allows the shoes to link with a PC.
Arguably more practical, the computer in the shoes also automatically adjusts comfort according to the wearer's movements.
The price tag? MSRP is $700, or about the price I paid for my latest laptop.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Boobs ... he he he he

Thursday, May 1, 2008
Are you ready to haggle?
"One way consumers appear to be coping with pressures on the family budget is by learning a new shopping skill – haggling for price. According to the survey, half of Americans (50.3%) report having negotiated for better prices on products other than a home or vehicle in light of the current economic situation. Americans say they haggle the most for better costs on tires/batteries/auto repair (38.6%), followed by appliances (37.3%) and electronics (37.2%)."
Can't imagine many retailers would like to see this develop as a trend.