Monday, April 7, 2008

Hilldog Said What?

It's hard not to scoff at Hillary Clinton's recent call for President Bush to boycott this summer's Olympic Games, in the wake of all the protests over China's actions in Tibet. Now, the way our history books read, it was President Bill Clinton in 2000 who opened Chinese businesses to the U.S. when he signed a bill extending permanent, normal trade status to China. And those same history books show signs of oppression and human rights violation taking place in Tibet and China since well before Bill helped Arkansas-based Wal-Mart captilize mightily on cheap Chinese labor. Nothing's new really.

Surely China's history is not unknown to Hillary. So why didn't she have the same type of advice for her partner Bill all those years ago?

By Hillary's logic, it would seem, it's okay to openly engage in all sorts of economic activities with Chinese companies and its government, we just shouldn't play sports with them at the country's coming out party to the world.

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